Jumpin’ JaKs Pre-K Curriculum

Jazzy Jive


Jazzy Jive is a great movement activity for younger students. This is a great activity to practice following verbal instructions, developing patterns, counting, and singing a simple song. Jazzy Jive is a more musical approach to a traditional stop & freeze game. It’s as simple as starting the chant and having fun with your class as you freeze around the room like a tree, an animal, or even a superhero.

Jazzy, jazzy, jazzy jive.

Move until you count to five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Jazzy Jive can last however long you need it to, from a quick 30-second transition to get students on or off the carpet all the way to a 3-minute mental break between more challenging concepts being taught that day.

The video on this page is made to help you understand the activity so you can lead your classroom on your own.