Jumpin’ JaKs Virtual Concert
Welcome to the Jumpin’ JaKs virtual concert! We hope your students enjoy this live jazz performance. Each video also includes some more ways to engage with each song. You can also send the link to this page home to parents and guardians so the whole family can get in on the fun!
The musicians you will see are all from Columbus, Ohio! You may have even had the chance to meet some of them in your classroom, or at a PBJ & Jazz concert.
Maggie Green, vocals
Jessica Sneeringer, trombone
Bobby Floyd, piano
Derek DiCenzo, bass
Zach Compston, drums
Part 1
When the Saints Go Marching In
The Bass is Big
Jump for Jazz
More ways to Engage:
In the classroom, we use the song When the Saints Go Marching In to have a parade, just like musicians do down in New Orleans! Grab some flags to wave, make some decorations, or just start marching and dancing in a line to have your own New Orleans parade.
Just how BIG is the bass? Do you think it is as tall as your teacher or as tall as a skyscraper? Do you think it weighs the same as a kid or the same as a car?
Try to follow the directions in Jump for Jazz just like Sophia! Can you jump, clap, play, and sing when the song tells you to?
Part 2
I’ve Got Rhythm
Jazz Bear
Frosty the Snowman
More ways to engage:
In the song I’ve Got Rhythm, Maggie is singing about things that maker her happy! What are some things that make you happy?
Can you pretend to play the instruments in Jazz Bear when they take their solo?
Does Frosty the Snowman sound different than how you usually hear it? Our version is called a SAMBA, try saying this new word together.
Part 3
It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)
Take the A Train
Pete the Cat
More ways to engage:
Can you sing the “Doo Wahs” with Maggie in It Don’t Mean a Thing?
How many people are playing in Take the A Train? Do you think it’s a solo, duet, trio, or quartet? Ask you teacher what these words mean if you need help!
Have you heard the Pete the Cat song before? How does this version sound different?