New Lessons:
Jazz and the Struggle for Freedom
In honor of Black History Month, Jazz Arts Group presents, “Jazz & the Struggle for Freedom” focusing attention on issues of race, diversity, civil liberties, and mass incarceration, and featuring musical counterpoint through jazz, blues, R&B and gospel styles.
This footage is an excellent companion to jazz band/vocal ensemble teaching, or an addition to a general music curriculum. We encourage music educators to share the transcript of Byron Stripling’s monologue with their students, as well as the musical segments from the entire video. Additionally, we’ve compiled a playlist of original recordings referenced by Byron Stripling in his monologue and some curriculum talking points for you and your students to utilize.
We hope that this tool can help you teach and learn about jazz and Black History not only in February, but all year round.
Women in Jazz
In celebration of Women’s History Month 2021, the Jazz Academy interviewed four incredible women in jazz. These women talked about their history, their careers, their music, and their thoughts on female representation in jazz as musicians, educators, and activists.
We encourage you to listen to these conversations and to share the videos with your students. While each of these women can only speak to their own experiences as women in jazz, they each help us to better understand how we can be better educators, audience members, and fellow musicians.
Resources for all music education settings.
We understand that music teachers need access to tools and content that span across many teaching settings. That’s why we’ve designed lessons to help you do just that.
Instrumental Music
Jazz band, no jazz band? No problem. If you want to explore jazz with your beginning, middle or high school instrumental ensembles, our lessons will help you along the way.
General Music
We’ve designed curriculum materials and lessons to help you introduce your music classes to the magic of jazz. Whether you teach pre-K,elementary, middle or high school, our resources can be adapted for all ages.
Vocal Music (NEW LESSONS)
Every voice is unique, and so is the music education that aims to develop it. Our vocal jazz lessons are designed to help you engage your students with the jazz experience - self-expression, improvisation, and more. Whether you have a choir or teach individual lessons, we’re here to help you infuse each student’s voice with the sound of jazz.
Listening Lab (Coming Soon!)
In the words of legendary pianist and bandleader, Count Basie, "Keep on listening & tapping your feet."
We are here to guide your listening and share some recordings that have shaped the past, present and future of jazz - so that you may shape that of your students.
Coming soon!
There is a jazz education opportunity around every corner.
We are continually adding new content and lessons based on your needs. Whether you are looking for videos and materials to share with your students, or seek to improve your skills in a particular area of jazz education, the Jazz Academy Teacher’s Toolkit is here to help.
Jazz Academy
Listen. Learn. Play.
The Jazz Academy Teacher’s Toolkit is a part of Jazz Arts Group’s Jazz Academy programming, which provides music-making and experiential learning opportunities for all ages. From classes at the Jazz Academy space to in-school programs and community events, we aim to reach every corner of Columbus and beyond.